In the French game of boules, try to get closer to the jack than your opponents. Traditionally played on a grassy surface with a glass of Moët in hand. Oui oui!
- Establish 2 teams consisting of 1, 2 or 3 players on each side. Teams of 1 and 2 will play with 3 boules per player, while teams of 3 will play with 2 boules per player.
- Choose a point to throw from, and toss a coin to determine which team will play first.
- Throw the jack (or ‘cochonnet’) between 4-8m in any direction.
- A player from the first team throws the first boule, as close to the jack as possible. Keep your feet together and throw underarm.
- A player from the other team tries to place a boule closer to the jack than their opponent, or to knock the opponent’s boule away.
- The boule nearest to the jack ‘holds the point’. Play continues with members from the opposite team throwing until they place a boule closer to the jack, and so on.
- When a team has no more boules to play, players from the other team throw theirs.
- Play stops when neither team has boules to play. The winning team scores one point for each boule nearer the jack than the opponents closest boule.
- A player from the scoring team throws the jack from the jack’s last position.
- The first team to reach 13 points wins the game.
Select a playing area of at least 4 metres x 4 metres. Mark the throwing line with the rope provided and place case containing boules and jack adjacent.
6 boules
1 jack
Throwing line rope
Boules game sign
2 sets available
Hire Price
$15 per event